⇒ Locally common around its remote nesting islands in the South Pacific, especially the Pitcairn Islands. Along the West Coast of North America, it has been found most consistently in late April and early May in the offshore waters of Oregon and northern California, and less consistently farther north and south and over a longer period (mostly March to May).
Murphy’s Petrel
Pterodroma ultima
Breeds in Polynesia and disperses widely across the eastern Pacific.

Approximate at-sea distribution of Murphy’s Petrel. © BirdLife International 2019
Breeds on several island groups in southeastern Polynesia, from the Tubuai Islands east through the Gambiers and Pitcairns to Easter and Salas y Gómez. Possibly also in Tahiti, where there are several records at various times of year.
Disperses extensively across the central and eastern Pacific adjacent to its breeding islands, and north at least to the Queen Charlotte Islands of British Columbia and west to Midway.
Seasonality of movements is not fully understood, but comparison of records from Hawaiian waters with those from western U.S. waters suggests that the largest numbers move north through the central Pacific from October to December, then presumably spend a few months in the central North Pacific, and return south toward the breeding grounds from March to May with many tracking along the continental shelf break and seamounts off of western North America.
Some portion of the population—presumably immatures and some nonbreeding adults—apparently remains in the North Pacific year-round, as there are scattered records from all months.
A medium-sized but stocky gadfly petrel that is predominantly dark gray and brownish-gray, with a paler area around the base of the bill.
The upperparts are dark, but not uniform, as it often shows a brown “M” across the wings and lower back, and frequently (depending on feather-wear) shows a “frosted” appearance, especially on the secondaries and back.
The underparts are mostly uniform gray, but in some lighting it may show a paler belly and darker chest. The underwings are dark with a large whitish or silvery patch at the base of the primaries, sometimes also extending into the outer primary coverts and secondaries.

Murphy’s Petrel, showing mostly gray upperparts and whitish area around base of bill. (At sea in French Polynesia; November 7, 2018.) © Hiroyuki & Shoko Tanoi

Murphy’s Petrel, showing mostly gray upperparts and whitish area around base of bill. (Motu Nui, Easter Island, Chile; October 15, 2019.) © Peter W. Hills

Murphy’s Petrel, showing mostly gray upperparts and whitish area around base of bill. (Offshore from the Gambier Islands; November 17, 2018.) © Hiroyuki & Shoko Tanoi

Murphy’s Petrel, appearing mostly dark-gray in this unusual setting and lighting. (Sand Island, Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge, Hawaii; April 22, 2017.) © Jonathan Plissner

Murphy’s Petrel, showing mostly gray plumage with whitish area around base of bill. (Easter Island, Chile; June 9, 2018.) © Pio Marshall

Murphy’s Petrel, showing mostly gray plumage with whitish area around base of bill. (Easter Island, Chile; June 9, 2018.) © Pio Marshall

Murphy’s Petrel, showing complex mix of brownish and gray feathers on upperparts. © F. Jacq

Murphy’s Petrel, showing complex mix of brownish and gray feathers on upperparts. (Offshore from Crescent City, California; May 13, 2015.) © Ilya Povalyaev

Murphy’s Petrel, showing dark brown “M” on mostly gray upperparts. (Offshore from Point Arena, California; April 25, 2018.) © Skip Russell

Murphy’s Petrel, showing mostly gray upperparts and whitish area around base of bill. (Offshore from the Pitcairn Islands; November 13, 2018.) © Hiroyuki & Shoko Tanoi

Murphy’s Petrel, showing dark brown “M” on mostly gray upperparts. (Ranu Kao, Easter Island, Chile; March 17, 2019.) © Martin Renner

Murphy’s Petrel, showing dark brown “M” on mostly gray upperparts. (Davidson Seamount, offshore from Monterey, California; May 6, 2015.) © Adam Searcy

Murphy’s Petrel, showing mostly gray plumage with whitish area around base of bill. (Henderson Island, Pitcairn Islands; September 7, 2013.) © North Thailand Birding

Murphy’s Petrel, showing whitish panels on the underside of the primaries, and whitish area around base of bill. (Oeno Island, Pitcairn Islands; September 9, 2013.) © North Thailand Birding

Murphy’s Petrel, showing whitish panels on the underside of the primaries, and whitish area around base of bill. (At sea in French Polynesia; November 7, 2018.) © Hiroyuki & Shoko Tanoi

Murphy’s Petrel, showing bold white panels on the underside of the primaries and outer coverts, and whitish area around base of bill. (Forty Mile Reef, Pitcairn Islands; September 6, 2013.) © North Thailand Birding

Murphy’s Petrel, showing extensive white on the underside of the primaries and coverts, and whitish area around base of bill. (Henderson Island, Pitcairn Islands; September 7, 2013.) © North Thailand Birding

Murphy’s Petrel, showing whitish area around base of bill. (Henderson Island, Pitcairn Islands; September 7, 2013.) © North Thailand Birding

Murphy’s Petrel, showing bold white panels on the underside of the primaries and outer coverts. (Oeno Island, Pitcairn Islands; September 9, 2013.) © Josep del Hoyo

Murphy’s Petrel, pair in courtship display, showing bold white panels on the underside of the primaries and outer coverts, and whitish area around base of bill. (Oeno Island, Pitcairn Islands; November 12, 2018.) © Hiroyuki & Shoko Tanoi

Murphy’s Petrel, in courtship display, showing bold white panels on the underside of the primaries and outer coverts, and whitish area around base of bill. (Oeno Island, Pitcairn Islands; November 12, 2018.) © Hiroyuki & Shoko Tanoi

Murphy’s Petrel, in courtship display, showing bold white panels on the underside of the primaries and outer coverts, and whitish area around base of bill. (Oeno Island, Pitcairn Islands; September 9, 2013.) © North Thailand Birding

Murphy’s Petrel, showing bold white panels on the underside of the primaries and outer coverts, and whitish area around base of bill. (Offshore from the Pitcairn Islands; November 13, 2018.) © Hiroyuki & Shoko Tanoi

Murphy’s Petrel, showing bold white panels on the underside of the primaries and outer coverts, and whitish area around base of bill. (Offshore from the Pitcairn Islands; November 13, 2018.) © Hiroyuki & Shoko Tanoi

Murphy’s Petrel, showing bold white panels on the underside of the primaries and outer coverts, and whitish area around base of bill. (Easter Island, Chile; June 9, 2018.) © Pio Marshall

Murphy’s Petrel, showing whitish panels on the underside of the primaries, and whitish area around base of bill. (Sand Island, Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge, Hawaii; August 14, 2014.) © Robby Kohley

Murphy’s Petrel, showing bold white panels on the underside of the primaries and outer coverts, and whitish area around base of bill. (Oeno Island, Pitcairn Islands; November 12, 2018.) © Hiroyuki & Shoko Tanoi

Murphy’s Petrel, showing bold white panels on the underside of the primaries and outer coverts, and whitish area around base of bill. (Oeno Island, Pitcairn Islands; October 20, 2014.) © Phil Tizzard

Murphy’s Petrel, showing bold white panels on the underside of the primaries and outer coverts, and whitish area around base of bill. (Offshore from the Pitcairn Islands; November 13, 2018.) © Hiroyuki & Shoko Tanoi

Murphy’s Petrel, showing whitish panels on the underside of the primaries, secondaries, and coverts, and whitish area around base of bill. (Henderson Island, Pitcairn Islands; November 10, 2018.) © Hiroyuki & Shoko Tanoi

Murphy’s Petrel, showing bold white panels on the underside of the primaries and outer coverts, and whitish area around base of bill. (Offshore from Eureka, California; May 13, 2015.) © Ilya Povalyaev

Murphy’s Petrel, showing bold white panels on the underside of the primaries and outer coverts, and whitish area around base of bill. (2014.) © Geoff Jones

Murphy’s Petrel, showing bold white panels on the underside of the primaries and outer coverts. (Motu Nui, Easter Island, Chile; October 15, 2019.) © Peter W. Hills

Murphy’s Petrel with anomalous pale belly, showing bold white panels on the underside of the primaries and outer coverts and secondaries, and whitish area around base of bill. (Offshore from the Pitcairn Islands; November 13, 2018.) © Hiroyuki & Shoko Tanoi

Murphy’s Petrel, showing bold white panels on the underside of the primaries and outer coverts and secondaries, and whitish area around base of bill. (Offshore from Point Arena, California; April 25, 2018.) © Ken Chamberlain

Murphy’s Petrel, showing complex mix of brownish and gray feathers on upperparts. (Henderson Island, Pitcairn Islands; September 7, 2013.) © North Thailand Birding

Murphy’s Petrel, showing whitish area around base of bill. (Oeno Island, Pitcairn Islands; November 12, 2018.) © Hiroyuki & Shoko Tanoi

Murphy’s Petrel, appearing sooty-gray overall, and showing indistinct whitish area around base of bill. (Oeno Island, Pitcairn Islands; November 12, 2018.) © Hiroyuki & Shoko Tanoi

Murphy’s Petrel, showing complex mix of brownish and gray feathers on upperparts, and whitish area around base of bill. (Ducie Island, Pitcairn Islands; April 2, 2018.) © Mike Greenfelder

Murphy’s Petrel, with bill open revealing toothlike structure on roof of mouth, appearing sooty-gray overall with whitish area around base of bill. (Oeno Island, Pitcairn Islands; September 9, 2013.) © Josep del Hoyo

Murphy’s Petrel, close-up showing tubular structure on bill and whitish area around base of bill. (Oeno Island, Pitcairn Islands; September 9, 2013.) © Josep del Hoyo

Murphy’s Petrel, appearing sooty-gray overall. (Isla Salas y Gómez, Chile; August 28, 2018.) © Diego Valverde

Murphy’s Petrel, showing complex mix of brownish and gray feathers on upperparts, and whitish area around base of bill. (Ducie Island, Pitcairn Islands; October 23, 2019.) © William Carlson

Murphy’s Petrel, pair showing differing degrees of dark-gray plumage. (Ducie Island, Pitcairn Islands; October 11, 2010.) © Peter Zika

Murphy’s Petrel, appearing sooty-brown overall, and showing indistinct whitish area around base of bill. (Sand Island, Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge, Hawaii; April 22, 2017.) © Jonathan Plissner

Murphy’s Petrel, appearing sooty-brown overall, and showing indistinct whitish area around base of bill. (Sand Island, Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge, Hawaii; August 14, 2014.) © Robby Kohley
Voice. Calls heard around colonies include ululating trills and harsh gull-like shrieks.
Cf. Henderson Petrel. Henderson and Murphy’s Petrels overlap widely in the central and eastern Pacific Ocean. They differ somewhat in structure and in the coloration of the face and underwings.
Structure: Although their measurements are similar, Murphy’s is more robust and averages much heavier. Their flight patterns consequently differ, with Murphy’s tending more toward high arcs.
Facial Coloration: Both Henderson and Murphy’s often have pale chins, but Murphy’s tends to be paler and more extensive.
Underwings: Both Henderson and Murphy’s have mostly dark underwings, with flight feathers that appear somewhat paler—an effect that varies with lighting. However, Murphy’s also has whitish patches on the undersides of the primaries that are always present.
Cf. Kermadec and Providence Petrels. Kermadec, Providence, and Murphy’s Petrels all occur over large portions of the Pacific Ocean. Providence is mostly in the western half and Murphy’s mostly in the eastern half, but they overlap in the center and Kermadec is widespread.
Dark morph Kermadec closely resembles both Providence and Murphy’s, and is intermediate in size between them. Providence and Murphy’s are more consistent in plumage, and both have white around the base of the bill—not always present on dark-morph Kermadec.
All three species share a similar underwing pattern: dark with a white triangle framed in the primaries. The differences are slight: Kermadec usually has more mottling on the innerwing and a more boldly framed and larger white triangle—but these details vary somewhat.
On the upperside of the wing, Kermadec has a bright white stripe across the bases of the primaries. Providence and Murphy’s rarely if ever show a comparable marking on the upperwing.
Monotypic species.
Alderfer, J., and J.L. Dunn. 2014. National Geographic Complete Birds of North America (Second Edition). National Geographic Society, Washington, D.C.
BirdLife International. 2019. Pterodroma ultima. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2019: e.T22698039A155656440. (Accessed October 11, 2020.)
Brooke, M. 2004. Albatrosses and Petrels across the World. Oxford University Press.
eBird. 2020. eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance. Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, N.Y. (Accessed October 11, 2020.)
Harrison, P. 1983. Seabirds: An Identification Guide. Houghton Mifflin, Boston.
Howell, S.N.G. 2012. Petrels, Albatrosses & Storm-Petrels of North America. Princeton University Press.
Howell, S.N.G., and K. Zufelt. 2019. Oceanic Birds of the World. Princeton University Press.
Jaramillo, A. 2003. Birds of Chile. Princeton University Press.
Onley, D., and P. Scofield. 2007. Albatrosses, Petrels & Shearwaters of the World. Princeton University Press.
Pratt, H.D., P.L. Bruner, and D.G. Berrett. 1987. A Field Guide to the Birds of Hawaii and the Tropical Pacific. Princeton University Press.
Pyle, R.L., and P. Pyle. 2017. The Birds of the Hawaiian Islands: Occurrence, History, Distribution, and Status. Version 2 (January 1, 2017). B.P. Bishop Museum, Honolulu, Hawaii.