Stewart Town, Jamaica

Convenient access to Cockpit Country and most of Jamaica’s avian endemics is available at the friendly rural village of Stewart Town. Starting beside the town’s police station, a little-traveled dirt road winds through forested hills and patches of cultivated land. This road is among the best places to find most Jamaican endemics, including such sought-after species as Crested Quail-Dove, Chestnut-bellied Cuckoo, Jamaican Lizard-Cuckoo, Black-billed and Yellow-billed Parrots, all three Myiarchus flycatchers, Jamaican Becard, Blue Mountain Vireo, and Jamaican Crow.
Stewart Town is about an hour and fifteen minutes’ drive (60 km) east of Montego Bay; forty-five minutes (35 km) southeast of Falmouth; or an hour and ten minutes (50 km) west of Ocho Rios.
From Montego Bay. Take Route A1 east for 33 km, just past Falmouth, and turn right at the Trelawney Multi-Purpose Stadium toward Clark’s Town.
This road leads to Stewart Town, first passing through the centers of Clark’s Town and Jackson Town. After 26 km, the police station will be on your right.
From Ocho Rios. Take the A1 west 27 km to Runaway Bay. After passing the massive Jewel Runaway Bay Beach and Golf Resort, as the A1 abuts the shoreline, watch for the Runaway Bay Post Office on your left. Turn left at the post office onto the road to Browns Town.
This road winds up into forested hills, then through farmland, arriving in Browns Town after 12.5 km. In the center of Browns Town, the main road forks as it reaches the central market. Take the right fork and stay on this road as it takes you west out of town. After about 10 km, the Stewart Town police station will be on your left.

Black-billed Parrot at Stewart Town. © Tim Avery
The land south of Stewart Town belongs to the historic property Manchester Pen, now designated as a private reserve. It has been lightly developed for agriculture in the valley bottoms, but the hillside forest and bird populations remain largely intact.
Park beside the police station and walk the dirt track that leads behind it into mixed woods and farmland. The road winds along the bases of hills for 7 or 8 km before reaching the tiny village of Gibraltar. However, the first segment south of the police station is often the most productive part, so a slow stroll through this area is recommended. The road is level and little-traveled, making it an ideal platform for birdwatching.
The habitat is especially productive for doves, cuckoos, parrots, flycatchers, Jamaican Becard, and Jamaican Crow. There are often known roosts of Jamaican Owl and “Caribbean Potoo” along the road as well. It is worth asking the farmers if they know where any “patoo” spends the day—this is the local name for Jamaican Owl, but it could apply to any of the nightbirds.

Male Jamaican Becard at Stewart Town. © Matthew Grube

Notable birds that can usually be found along the road at Stewart Town include Crested Quail-Dove, Ruddy Quail-Dove, Caribbean Dove, Chestnut-bellied Cuckoo, Jamaican Lizard-Cuckoo, Vervain Hummingbird, Jamaican Tody, Black-billed Parrot, Yellow-billed Parrot, Green-rumped Parrotlet, Jamaican Parakeet, Small Jamaican Elaenia, Jamaican Pewee, Sad Flycatcher, Rufous-tailed Flycatcher, Loggerhead Kingbird, Jamaican Becard, Blue Mountain Vireo, Jamaican Vireo, Jamaican Crow, Jamaican Euphonia, Jamaican Oriole, Arrowhead Warbler, Jamaican Spindalis, Orangequit, Greater Antillean Bullfinch, and Yellow-shouldered Grassquit.

Crested Quail-Dove at Stewart Town. © Rob Van Epps
Stewart Town is easily accessible from several coastal towns with hotels, including Falmouth and Runaway Bay.
Stewart Town has small shops that sell snacks and drinks.
Local Guide
For a guided birdwatching and natural history tour and introduction to the community of Stewart Town, contact Wendy Lee (
Stewart Town is probably the best birdwatching site to visit as a day-trip from the various seaside resorts along the coast from Montego Bay to Ocho Rios, or during a cruise port-call at Falmouth.